27 9月 2007

[Linux] 在Linux底下的getch() & getche()

因為C/C++語言中的getch() & getche()都只能在windows底下執行
但是在Unix/Linux底下 就必須自己寫個function囉~

char getch(){
    int i;//判斷是否有read到值
    char ch;
    struct termios _old, _new;

    tcgetattr (0, &_old);
    memcpy (&_new, &_old, sizeof (struct termios));
    _new.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
    tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &_new);
    i = read (0, &ch, 1);
    tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &_old);
    if (i == 1)/* ch is the character to use */ 
        return ch;
    else/* there was some problem; complain, return error, whatever */ 
    return 0;
